Why I drink Coffee…

I never understood morning people. Waking up anytime before 9am is complete madness to me. But being a full time student and having a full time job along with other extra things I do, I must embrace the discomfort of mornings. Coffee has always been part of my daily routine. The moment I am out of bed, I walk to the coffee pot. Drinking that first sip of heaven awakens my soul to prepare for the mysterious journey of  what lies ahead. That can sound a bit dramatic, however it is incredibly accurate. Not everyone may agree with my love for coffee.

I have heard it all. Caffeine will stunt your growth (which I had nothing to lose in the first place). Coffee will dehydrate you. Caffeine increases anxiety. Coffee over all is a drug. I think the jokes are funny when people call me an addict. I like to exaggerate by saying coffee owns me or its the reason I can work in retail. Even though there is truth in every joke, coffee does have a deeper meaning to me.

I have been drinking coffee religiously since I was 15 years old. I moved down to Florida to live with my dad and stepmom at that time to start my sophomore year. My dad encouraged me to start drinking one cup of coffee every morning so I can be fully alert for school that started at 7:30 am. However coffee has been part of my life before I started drinking it.

My dad and I always had a close relationship. I have numerous memories of us spending time together by watching funny movies and t.v. shows, going fishing, and goofing off at malls. My more fondest moments with him are when he and I would go to local coffee shops together. We both brought our laptops- he did work, I played Webkinz. I was too young to drink coffee so my dad would get me a hot chocolate. I remember the workers there would give me extra cups of whipped cream. Coffee has always been part of our relationship and it still is. We still meet early in the mornings at Starbucks to drink coffee and talk about life.

Coffee brings me comfort. Smelling the fresh aroma or drinking that first sip brings me back to cherished memories of my childhood. It reminds me that life can be simple and even the smallest things can make up for the difficult moments we endure. Without the hardships in life, there would be no such thing as the phrase “it is the little things in life.” Good things that happen would not be as enjoyable. In fact there would be no meaning to the small things in life.

So call me crazy, but coffee brings me happiness. It represents the bond I have with my father and sweetness of my childhood. No matter what people will say, it will continue to be part of my life. Along with a cup of water to match every cup of coffee.

Published by I don't have time for anything.

I am a college student with big dreams to become a successful journalist. My passion started when I joined the yearbook staff my sophomore year by accident. Since then, I could not seem to escape that drive to keep writing. This blog is intended for me to document my everyday life as a college student, stories and thoughts. I write about whatever I experience. I want to share my life with the world.

One thought on “Why I drink Coffee…

  1. Hi Katie!
    I can relate with the whole discomfort of mornings. I as well am a full time college student and it can be very hard to wake up and take on the day without energy. So I stick with coffee to give me a boost. Of course there are always those people that tell you coffee is not good for you but if you think about it and do research there a thousands of things that are not good for you. So as long as we have something that keeps us going in the morning I think we will be fine!


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