Night Owl Tries Early Morning

I am a night owl. For as long as I can remember, I enjoy being up all night. When I was a kid I would stay up reading books or playing games. It drove my parents crazy.

I wanted to change things up. Lately, I have been dealing with anxiety due to the virus, working in a grocery store and having my routine messed up. One of my favorite Youtubers,  Maya Lee, always talks about getting up at 5 A.M. She used to be a night owl but needed to change up her lifestyle since she became a 3rd grade teacher.

For months, I have been wanting to try out her routine. I finally accomplished that today and I am shocked by the results.

I woke up at 5 A.M. and started my morning off with reading the Bible and some devotionals. I used to read the Bible every morning when I was in high school. I tried to keep up with the habit in the beginning of college but a lot happened and I wanted to stay away from religion. But this past year, I realized how badly I need a relationship with God. I have made it my goal to pray every day and read His word. Peace has entered my life once again and I am so glad I am getting back into my faith.

The next thing I did was work out. I turned on a Youtube workout video and the lady kicked my butt. After working out for about 20 minutes, I had so much energy! My anxiety I woke up with was gone and I felt so relaxed.

Because I was having a rough week, I decided to go to Starbucks to treat myself. To save money, I rarely go there anymore. I remember I practically lived at my StarBucks in Plant City. Most of the workers knew me and already knew what I would order before I could say anything.

I came back home and turned on my favorite radio station, Moving 92.5. I have listened to their moning show, Brooke and Jubal in the Morning, for four years. I highly recommend their app. They are hilarious and have a great sense of humor.

Before I could start my morning classes at 9 A.M. I needed to clean my apartment. When my home is tidied up, my ADD does not distract me from my school work and whatever else I need to do on the computer. While doing dishes, I kept thinking of when I used to live with my dad and he always got onto me for not cleaing up after myself. He would be so proud of how clean I have become.

My house smells so much better and I feel even more relaxed. I had extra time to play with my kitty and spend time with my bearded dragon.

Finally, I took a shower and freshend up. For the first time in awhile, I put normal clothes on. I don’t know why but I feel more productive as opposed to wearing pajamas. I decided to a foot mask for some self care as well. I think self care is so important, especially now, since we do not know when life will go back to normal. Take the time to take care of yourself.

Even though life is out of control for all of us, we can all make the most of this extra time at home.

This morning, God was teaching me to give control to Him. It is easier said than done, but it takes all the weight off your shoulders.

I hope everyone is staying safe during these times.

Here are some links from Maya Lee and a work out video:


Published by I don't have time for anything.

I am a college student with big dreams to become a successful journalist. My passion started when I joined the yearbook staff my sophomore year by accident. Since then, I could not seem to escape that drive to keep writing. This blog is intended for me to document my everyday life as a college student, stories and thoughts. I write about whatever I experience. I want to share my life with the world.

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